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Stress management course

We offer stress management courses for all or parts of the company. 80-90% of everyone who seeks treatment worldwide has complaints that are stress-related. 


We must realize that our body does not understand the difference between whether we are in real danger and being chased by tigers or if we imagine danger in the form of stress. Biologically and physiologically, the reaction is exactly the same. 


Therefore, stress over time, chronic stress, is directly harmful to health and related to high blood pressure, sleep difficulties, headaches, changes in body weight, upset stomach, nausea, pain in the neck and/or shoulders.


Furthermore, it often causes fatigue and a lack of energy and a bad mood  immune system that results in a cold or flu that does not go away.


If you have employees who struggle with one or more of the above-mentioned problems, it is absolutely worth investing in stress management in the company. 


Stress over time, chronic stress, is directly harmful to health and related to high blood pressure, sleep difficulties, headaches, changes in body weight, upset stomach, nausea, pain in the neck and/or shoulders. Stress leads to sick leave. 



Stress management courses for companies can be implemented in all or parts of the company. Stress management is a broad concept and we tailor the course to focus on the needs of the company in addition to the employees learning general stress management. We see that this not only results in reduced sickness absence but also leads to better concentration, focus, ability to execute and cohesion among the employees.  



The course runs over 1 year with four sessions during the year. Each session lasts about 3 hours including a break.  



The course is held at the workplace, most often after working hours or in connection with a subject/company gathering. There is also a popular alternative where modules 1 and 4 are completed as a physical meeting and modules 2 and 3 are completed by each individual employee online.   

Get in touch to arrange a plan for your company. 

Press the button to get an offer and make an appointment

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