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From overwhelmed to surplus

Learn how to control your thoughts and emotions, set boundaries and take care of yourself! Duration 12 weeks. 

Results-oriented learning

For those of you who have faced a wall, have been on sick leave for less than 6 months and want help to change your life. You've been trying on your own for a while, but still feel just as confused and overwhelmed. During the stress management school, you will understand what has caused you to end up in this situation, learn to manage emotions and manage thoughts and, not least, learn how to take care of yourself and set boundaries. You will learn many good tools so that you can facilitate less stress and more profit. Learn techniques that you can use for the rest of your life.


Do it with others

Some of this you can and may already know, but it is of little help if you do not use it or implement it. Something like this with mind control is new to the vast majority of people. When you participate in the stress management school, you are part of a community with others who are in the same situation as you. In addition, you get personal follow-up from a Mental Trainer where you can get help and advice on specific issues. This also increases the likelihood that you will complete the tasks and the stress management school when you know that you have a weekly appointment with a focus on how you are doing.    



We take in new participants continuously.
Price NOK 11,111 per participant. 


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