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Less stress, more joy

Learn to stress is a choice and how you should concretely choose joy over stress. Duration 7 weeks. 

Results-oriented learning

This course is for you who are tired of being stressed, behind and not feeling like you are in the driver's seat of your own life. You feel like you're stuck in a rat race you haven't agreed to, a hamster wheel you can't get off, and you're determined to make a change. 


You are not on sick leave from work but you feel that you are living a life that is not entirely yours and you long for JOY. 


During the course, you will gain understanding and insight into why life has become this way, which is the first step to - and completely elementary for - change. You will learn many good techniques for coping with stress and good relaxation exercises that will help you along the way. 


You get an introduction to thought management and how to manage your thoughts instead of them managing you. 


The course consists of videos, worksheets and exercises. In addition, you get a meditation file and a hypnosis file that will make it easier for you to achieve results faster.


Do it with others

Some of this you can and may already know, but it is of little help if you do not use it or implement it. Something like this with mind control is new to the vast majority of people. When you participate in the stress management school, you are part of a community with others who are in the same situation as you. In addition, there is weekly follow-up from the Mental Trainer via video meeting where you can get help and advice on specific issues. 


We take in participants on an ongoing basis. Price NOK 7,000 per participant. 

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