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What can be treated?

What can be treated?


Are you on constant alert? Do you feel that you are not enough or that you are wearing far too much? Do you try to take responsibility for other people, their feelings and reactions? Do you prefer to do everything yourself because then you have control that it is done properly? Are you uncomfortable in your own silence and would rather turn off in front of the TV than go to bed early?

Maybe you often catch a cold or get sick when you finally have a holiday and can relax. And when you need to rest, do you lie down and scroll through social media or watch streaming services?

Do you feel that you are on the wrong path or that you don't quite know what you want, because you put everyone else's needs before your own?

Again, it's about taking back control, calming down and finding balance in your own life!



Anxiety, restlessness and depression are something that characterize most people at times to a greater or lesser extent.  Most people experience that both energy and mood go up and down for periods, but sometimes it becomes so inhibiting that we are unable to move on without help. Anxiety is a dread, fear and mostly linked to something uncertain, unpredictable, something we cannot control.

Maybe we do everything to avoid discomfort and that which pours out the anxiety and sometimes anxiety about the anxiety becomes the worst part. Anxiety, restlessness and depression are something we feel strongly in the body physically, and then we benefit from working with it on a physical level as well. 

Mentally, it's about taking back control and mastering your own life. Learn to recognize triggers, bring out negative thoughts in the light and look at it from other angles and reprogram those thoughts. Find out which relationships are good for us and which drain us of energy. That other people's reactions are their responsibility and not ours. Do you need to work on your self-esteem and feel that you are GOOD ENOUGH and VALUABLE. We can help you with that, but you must be prepared to make an effort and work on yourself!



Trauma can be big or small events where unprocessed emotions have left a mark on us. Sometimes it prevents us from moving forward or living the way we really want. Sometimes we don't even know why it's like that, we just know that we're destroying ourselves or preventing ourselves from succeeding, Maybe we're triggered by something, and we know that it's a disadvantage for us.

When we work with trauma both physically and with the unconscious mind, we often achieve faster and better results than through conversation alone. This is because we create a safe platform where the conscious and unconscious mind can work towards the same goal, instead of being in conflict.


Sleep problems

Experiencing sleep problems is something we all do from time to time. But going without enough sleep over time is terrible and only those who have really experienced sleeping poorly over a long period of time know how exhausting and almost debilitating it can be. Sleep problems often come together with and from racing thoughts, it can be triggered by trauma or flashbacks, but also depression, restlessness, worries and illness can lead to sleep difficulties.


Weight loss/Weight control

Many people have a strong desire to have better control over their weight. There can be many reasons why you feel that you are not at the weight you want, but unlike the vast majority of diets and treatment methods, our most important task is to find the root cause of the weight problems. If we find that there are traumas and possibly emotions that are linked to the problems. then we use various methods to remove blockages and mental saboteurs. The person concerned also learns to recognize triggers and how to use techniques they have learned when challenges or urges arise. We can work with the unconscious mind and bring about the desired inner changes, so that it does not become a struggle with willpower.



Addiction can be linked to sugar, alcohol and other drugs, snuff or smoke, shopping, gambling, but can also be an addiction to social media, exercise or other things. The common denominator is that the addiction extends beyond life and that you feel that it controls your thoughts and behavior to a far too great degree.



In elite sports, the development of mental skills is considered as important as the physical training. This is no accident, as our mental skills contribute to our success or failure depending on how we use them. We humans have an incredible potential that the vast majority of people do not take full advantage of. With the right tools, mental training can ensure that you perform better, reach the goals you set and that you maintain your motivation over time. Problems with procrastination and self-sabotage are something most people are familiar with, but this can be avoided when we remove resistance in the unconscious mind.  


Phobias/Fear of flying/Fear

Phobias are an irrational fear of something that is not necessarily that dangerous. Still, it feels very overwhelming and it can be incredibly inhibiting. Phobia of water, spiders, snakes, heights, insects, tunnels, bridges, vomit is something that is often beneficial to work with on the unconscious level, as the conscious self most often knows that the fear is irrational, but it is there nonetheless.


Coping with life/Relationships/Grief

Sometimes we are completely stuck, it feels like we can neither go forward nor backward. It could be a relationship that simply doesn't work well and we don't know how to turn it around. It could be that we have lost a person who was close to us and even though a relatively long time has passed, we do not feel that we are able to move on. Or it could be that we are faced with big or difficult decisions and need someone to talk to and brainstorm ideas with, who can see things a bit from the outside. 



Pain and physical tension can be difficult to endure, especially when they are chronic. When we work to achieve balance in the energy system, you often notice a change and relief in the pain level. An important aspect is also that by working with the unconscious mind one can change the perception of the pain and learn pain management in a different way. Those who live in constant pain know how big a difference only 15-20% can make. For those who have experienced physical trauma (injury) also know that the body tries to avoid the injury being torn up again, which often results in tension and pain over time elsewhere in the body.  From autumn 2022, we also offer massage therapy in the form of Classical and Therapeutic massage, either as isolated treatments or in combination with other forms of therapy.



Anger and frustration are a way of both reacting and dereacting. Some have never learned other ways to show or deal with emotions other than using anger. It may have been the only accepted feeling among those around you when you were growing up.

Others have reason to be angry and furious if they have been wronged. Regardless, it can become a burden for both yourself and the world around you, if you feel that you cannot handle or master anger or frustration. Then there is help to be had. It's about understanding why you get angry, what triggers it and how can I prevent it from getting the upper hand? The combination of gaining insight and working with the unconscious mind often gives better results than talk therapy alone.


Poor Self-Esteem/Self-Image

Mentally, it's about taking back control and mastering your own life. Learn to recognize triggers, bring out negative thoughts in the light and look at it from other angles and reprogram those thoughts. Find out which relationships are good for us and which drain us of energy. That other people's reactions are their responsibility and not ours. Do you need to work on your self-esteem and feel that you are GOOD ENOUGH and VALUABLE. We can help you with that, but you must be prepared to make an effort and work on yourself!

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